A Haven of Repose
Relationships are defined by the way two or more people are connected. For someone who is not well, her relationship with her doctor is not a casual, but an important connection. At
Love & Cancer
Many people believe that death is their enemy, and that the job of a doctor is to fight death and “save” patients from that inevitable end. Perhaps that’s why diagnoses like cancers
“An Introduction to Functional Medicine: Treating the Cause of your Illness, Restoring your Health”
Sonia A. Rapaport, MD and
Jessica Maschoff, MS
Friday, February 21, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Haven Medical Community Room
121 S. Estes Drive, Suite 205 D, Chapel Hill, NC 27514
To reserve your seat call 919-969-1414.
Seating is limited.